Friday, August 21, 2009

Resident Deputy restored to WL County; Rail service could be restore in a year; interim supervisor of Siuslaw National Forest named

Three resident deputies will be restored to areas of Lane County in the near future. Earlier this summer, Lane County Sheriff Russ Burger got the news that three of five requested positions would be funded under the federal Community Oriented Policing Services, or COPS, program.
200 – “Since that time we’ve been looking at different criteria including demand for service over the past year based on call volume; the number of case reports filed in each area; and the relative remoteness of the areas.”

Ultimately, his office settled on one in East Lane County along the McKenzie River; another in South Lane around Cottage Grove; and the third….
201 – “Mapleton, Swisshome, Deadwood and Dunes City, the Highway 101 Corridor as well as 126 West.”

The deputies won’t be working traffic, writing tickets, but will be accessible to residents and focusing on crime and other issues.
202 – “They know who, you know, who the trouble makers are in a lot of cases. They’re a resource to the citizens in the community.”

Burger expressed appreciation to Oregon’s Congressional Delegation for their assistance in securing the funding.

Rail service between the Willamette Valley and the South Coast was abruptly cut off two years ago when the Central Oregon and Pacific Rail Line closed down. The Oregon International Port of Coos Bay purchased the 110-miles of rail earlier this year. Martin Callery, Director of Communications, says by this time next year they expect to be operating.. But, there’s still a lot of work to be done. The line has nine tunnels, three major river crossings and dozens of smaller crossings that need to be brought up to standards. Plus, after two years, there is a tremendous amount of debris to deal with.
203 – “We hired a company that specializes in that. They came in and spent three days last week and they’re going to spend a couple more this week. But they’re taking all the trees off the line and they’re removing all the small landslides.”

The only stretch that won’t be cleaned up right now is the section between Hauser and North Bend. That borders the Oregon Dunes and Callery says it doesn’t make any sense to clear drifting sand off the rails right now.

The former Deputy Forest Supervisor for the Malhuer National Forest will fill in as interim head of the Siuslaw National Forest until a permanent supervisor is selected. Teresa Raaf (RAY-aff) is taking over for former supervisor Barnie Gyant (giant) who recently took a position in Vallejo, California. Raaf is familiar with the Siuslaw National Forest, she worked in a temporary position in the Corvallis Office in 2007.
The Oregon Department of Transportation is reminding motorists on Highway 126 between Florence and Eugene to expect delays and one lane traffic through a construction zone near the Peterson Tunnel. Work continues on retaining walls beneath the roadway in that area.


Northwest League Baseball:
Vince Belnome took over the Northwest League lead in home runs last night with a first inning shot to get things started for the Eugene Emeralds who then held on for a 4-2 win over the Vancouver Canadians. Emeralds batters had eight hits in the game, including a two-RBI double off the bat of Nate Frieman in the fifth inning. The two teams wrap up their three game series tonight at Civic Stadium… the Emeralds head out on the road for a three game series against the Aqua Sox in Everett.

Youth Baseball:
They flew out yesterday morning… the South Coast 14-under Babe Ruth All Stars. The team, made up of youth from Coos County and the Florence area claimed the Northwest Championship in Moscow, Idaho two weeks ago and play their first game Saturday at Noon Central Time in the Babe Ruth World Series at Appleton, Wisconsin.

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