Monday, August 16, 2010

ODOT Maintenance Project causes massive traffic snarl

205 – “It’s absolutely the worst situation that could exist for an Oregon coastal community at the height of the tourist season. There’s no two ways about it.”

That’s Oregon Department of Transportation spokesperson Rick Little commenting on day one of a three day maintenance project that began today to resurface the Siuslaw River Bridge. By mid afternoon it had created gridlock that was three lanes wide in some locations and backed traffic up to Cushman on Highway 126, two miles east of the city. The backup south on Highway 101 stretched well over four miles and left some people stuck in traffic for 2 ½ hours.
200 – “Well, you know, in hindsight, clearly it’s a move that we should have reconsidered and thought through more thoroughly.”

Little said the project involved overlaying the concrete bridge deck with an epoxy material that is moisture and temperature sensitive so the work couldn’t be scheduled in the winter or spring.
201 – “The crew that’s doing the work looked at in terms of ‘when can we get this accomplished’ and unfortunately there was no higher oversight, no eye in the sky looking at the big picture and saying ‘wait, we need to rethink this thing.”

Little said ODOT management would be getting together late this afternoon to evaluate the project.
202 – “I think right now, given the impact that this project has had on this community, I think all options are on the table.”

They’ll decide whether or not to continue the next two scheduled days of the project. At this point, Little admitted that it has turned out poorly.
203 – “All I can do at this point is apologize on behalf of ODOT and assure the residents and the motorists that we will reassess this thing and we will come back with a better game plan.”

Emergency response was hampered with ambulances have difficulty getting through traffic and business owners south of Florence that rely on a steady stream of traffic were angry that the project stopped that flow, right at their busiest time of the year.

1 comment:

  1. I hope the folks at Coast Radio will continue to use this blog to update us on any news. Thank you for this - any update, even mid-day, as conditions change will help.
